
The CIM (Create in Me) podcast debuted on a bi-monthly schedule with episodes featuring Rev. R. Craver and Rev. B. Dixon, and interviews with guests. Season 1 ran from Nov. 2018 – May 2019. Season 2 ran Sep. 2019 – May 2020. Topics and guests include:

-The benefits of worship                -David Melby-Gibbons on songwriting for worship

-Improv and spontaneity in worship        -Rev. Dan Miller and Justin Rabbach on digital Ministry

-Rev. Zach Dease on guitar making        -Rev. Dr. Amy Gohdes-Luhman on preaching

-Showing up for Easter worship            -Rev. Dr. Nola Knouse on the tradition of creativity

-Vestments and dressing for worship        -Worship as celebration of salvation

-Rev. Canon Peg Chemberlin on justice        -Dr. Jill Peters on learning worship

-The role of discomfort in worship            -Rev. Fran Pratt on liturgy writing

-The role of ritual and ceremony            -Nathan Corona on inspiration, faith and film

-Kyra Tessman on dance and worship        -Rev. Theresa Cho on creative worship

-The role of preaching in worship            -Ken Read on martial arts and the practice of worship

-Evan Koons on Orthodox worship        -Nina Drenth and Pete Tigchelaar on art in community

-Biblical narratives of worship in exile        -Rev. Tracy Robinson on worship space and community

-Scripture and worship                -Jon Pumper and Elise Joyce on improving online worship

What We Do

CIM instigates and resources deeper conversation about Christian worship – 1

CIM fosters collaboration to enrich expressions and experiences of liturgy – 2

CIM invites the Church to recognize, celebrate and share gifts of creativity3

CIM is an inclusive, expansive community of worship planners and participants –

Where We Are today

Plans are underway for Season 3 of the podcast with episodes and interviews focused on the historic experience(s) of change within worship and liturgy. It is our hope that these conversations will provide helpful (and hopeful) perspective and encouragement as many faith communities are now faced with significant levels of disruption.

CIM is engaged in conversations and response to the challenges of holding traditional Advent and Christmas services during COVID. This has been an outgrowth of exploring the possibility of a second CIM workshop focused on creative worship planning.

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